[Announce] mod_ftpd release 0.14

Edward Rudd urkle at outoforder.cc
Thu Jan 25 01:33:00 EST 2007

I am pleased to announce mod_ftpd version 0.14 This release contains
one new feature and a small bug fix.

*  PASV IP Override configuration
*  Frees up any dangling PASV socket when client disconnects

All users are recommended to upgrade to this release of mod_ftpd.

Currently I am working on getting mod_ftpd working under Apache 2.2
there is small issue with Apache 2.2's new accept filters where by which
the initial greeting does not get sent to the client until a carriage
return is sent to the server, so until this issue is fixed mod_ftpd is
not supported under Apache 2.2.

You can download this release from the mod_Ftpd project page

Edward Rudd <urkle at outoforder.cc>
Website http://www.outoforder.cc/

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