[Mod_log_sql] mod_log_sql not logging; also no debug output

Edward Rudd urkle at outoforder.cc
Mon Jan 17 23:45:10 EST 2005

On Mon, 2005-01-17 at 19:43, Perry Sebastian wrote:
> Sure, here it is:
> LoadModule log_sql_module modules/mod_log_sql.so
> LoadModule log_sql_mysql_module modules/mod_log_sql_mysql.so
> <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
> 	LoadModule log_sql_ssl_module modules/mod_log_sql_ssl.so
> </IfModule>
> LogSQLLoginInfo mysql://loguser:l0gger@ 
> #LogSQLLoginInfo localhost loguser
> #LogSQLDatabase apachelogs 
> LogSQLCreateTables on
> # if localhost use
> LogSQLDBParam socketfile /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
> LogLevel debug
> ErrorLog /usr/local/apache2/logs/logsql-messages 
> LogSQLRequestIgnore root.exe cmd.exe default.ida
> LogSQLRequestIgnore .gif .jpg
> Perry

Ahh, I found it.
The issue is you don't have the LogSQLTransferLogTable directive set.
this directive IS required to be set unless you use
LogSQLMassVirtualHosting.  I will add to the next release to through an
error when this isn't configured correctly.  

Edward Rudd <urkle at outoforder.cc>
Website http://www.outoforder.cc/
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