/* $Id: mod_log_sql_pgsql.c 120 2004-04-17 15:14:12Z urkle@drip.ws $ */ #define WITH_APACHE20 1 #if defined(WITH_APACHE20) # include "apache20.h" #elif defined(WITH_APACHE13) # include "apache13.h" #else # error Unsupported Apache version #endif /* Undefine these to prevent conflicts between Apache ap_config_auto.h and * my config.h. Only really needed for Apache < 2.0.48, but it can't hurt. */ #undef PACKAGE_BUGREPORT #undef PACKAGE_NAME #undef PACKAGE_STRING #undef PACKAGE_TARNAME #undef PACKAGE_VERSION #include "config.h" #include "mod_log_sql.h" #include "libpq-fe.h" /* Connect to the PGSQL database */ static logsql_opendb_ret log_sql_pgsql_connect(server_rec *s, logsql_dbconnection *db) { const char *host = apr_table_get(db->parms,"hostname"); const char *user = apr_table_get(db->parms,"username"); const char *passwd = apr_table_get(db->parms,"password"); const char *database = apr_table_get(db->parms,"database"); const char *s_tcpport = apr_table_get(db->parms,"port"); db->handle = PQsetdbLogin(host, s_tcpport, NULL, NULL, database, user, passwd); if (PQstatus(db->handle) == CONNECTION_OK) { log_error(APLOG_MARK,APLOG_DEBUG,0, s,"HOST: '%s' PORT: '%s' DB: '%s' USER: '%s'", host, s_tcpport, database, user); return LOGSQL_OPENDB_SUCCESS; } else { log_error(APLOG_MARK,APLOG_DEBUG,0, s,"mod_log_sql: database connection error: %s", PQerrorMessage(db->handle)); log_error(APLOG_MARK,APLOG_DEBUG, 0, s,"HOST: '%s' PORT: '%s' DB: '%s' USER: '%s'", host, s_tcpport, database, user); return LOGSQL_OPENDB_FAIL; } } /* Close the DB link */ static void log_sql_pgsql_close(logsql_dbconnection *db) { PQfinish((PGconn*)(db->handle)); } /* Routine to escape the 'dangerous' characters that would otherwise * corrupt the INSERT string: ', \, and " * Also PQescapeString does not place the ' around the string. So we have * to do this manually */ static const char *log_sql_pgsql_escape(const char *from_str, apr_pool_t *p, logsql_dbconnection *db) { char *temp; if (!from_str) return NULL; else { char *to_str; unsigned long length = strlen(from_str); unsigned long retval; /* Pre-allocate a new string that could hold twice the original, which would only * happen if the whole original string was 'dangerous' characters. * And forsee the space for the 2 ' */ temp = to_str = (char *) apr_palloc(p, length * 2 + 3); if (!to_str) { return from_str; } *temp = '\''; temp++; retval = PQescapeString(temp, from_str, length); /* avoid the string to be tolong for the sql database*/ if (retval > 250) retval = 250; *(temp+retval) = '\''; *(temp+retval+1) = '\0'; /* We must always return the to_str, because we always need the ' added */ // if (retval) return to_str; // else // return from_str; } } /* Run a sql insert query and return a categorized error or success */ static logsql_query_ret log_sql_pgsql_query(request_rec *r,logsql_dbconnection *db, const char *query) { PGresult *result; void (*handler) (int); unsigned int real_error = 0; /*const char *real_error_str = NULL;*/ PGconn *conn = db->handle; if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK) { return LOGSQL_QUERY_NOLINK; } /* A failed mysql_query() may send a SIGPIPE, so we ignore that signal momentarily. */ /* Does postgresql do this also ??? */ handler = signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); result = PQexec(conn, query); /* Run the query */ if (PQresultStatus(result) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { signal(SIGPIPE, handler); PQclear(result); return LOGSQL_QUERY_SUCCESS; } /* Check to see if the error is "nonexistent table" */ /* removed ... don't know how ! (sorry) real_error = mysql_errno(dblink); if (real_error == ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE) { log_error(APLOG_MARK,APLOG_ERR,0, r->server,"table does not exist, preserving query"); signal(SIGPIPE, handler); PQclear(result); return LOGSQL_QUERY_NOTABLE; }*/ /* Restore SIGPIPE to its original handler function */ signal(SIGPIPE, handler); PQclear(result); return LOGSQL_QUERY_FAIL; } /* Create table table_name of type table_type. */ static logsql_table_ret log_sql_pgsql_create(request_rec *r, logsql_dbconnection *db, logsql_tabletype table_type, const char *table_name) { PGresult *result; const char *tabletype = apr_table_get(db->parms,"tabletype"); void (*handler) (int); char *type_suffix = NULL; char *create_prefix = "create table if not exists `"; char *create_suffix = NULL; char *create_sql; PGconn *conn = db->handle; /* if (!global_config.createtables) { return APR_SUCCESS; }*/ switch (table_type) { case LOGSQL_TABLE_ACCESS: create_suffix = "` (id char(19),\ agent varchar(255),\ bytes_sent int unsigned,\ child_pid smallint unsigned,\ cookie varchar(255),\ machine_id varchar(25),\ request_file varchar(255),\ referer varchar(255),\ remote_host varchar(50),\ remote_logname varchar(50),\ remote_user varchar(50),\ request_duration smallint unsigned,\ request_line varchar(255),\ request_method varchar(10),\ request_protocol varchar(10),\ request_time char(28),\ request_uri varchar(255),\ request_args varchar(255),\ server_port smallint unsigned,\ ssl_cipher varchar(25),\ ssl_keysize smallint unsigned,\ ssl_maxkeysize smallint unsigned,\ status smallint unsigned,\ time_stamp int unsigned,\ virtual_host varchar(255))"; break; case LOGSQL_TABLE_COOKIES: case LOGSQL_TABLE_HEADERSIN: case LOGSQL_TABLE_HEADERSOUT: case LOGSQL_TABLE_NOTES: create_suffix = "` (id char(19),\ item varchar(80),\ val varchar(80))"; break; } if (tabletype) { type_suffix = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, " TYPE=", tabletype, NULL); } /* Find memory long enough to hold the whole CREATE string + \0 */ create_sql = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, create_prefix, table_name, create_suffix, type_suffix, NULL); log_error(APLOG_MARK,APLOG_DEBUG,0, r->server,"create string: %s", create_sql); if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK) { return LOGSQL_QUERY_NOLINK; } /* A failed mysql_query() may send a SIGPIPE, so we ignore that signal momentarily. */ handler = signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* Run the create query */ result = PQexec(conn, create_sql); if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { log_error(APLOG_MARK,APLOG_ERR,0, r->server,"failed to create table: %s", table_name); signal(SIGPIPE, handler); PQclear(result); return LOGSQL_TABLE_FAIL; } signal(SIGPIPE, handler); PQclear(result); return LOGSQL_TABLE_SUCCESS; } static char *supported_drivers[] = {"pgsql",NULL}; static logsql_dbdriver pgsql_driver = { "pgsql", NULL, log_sql_pgsql_connect, /* open DB connection */ log_sql_pgsql_close, /* close DB connection */ log_sql_pgsql_escape, /* escape query */ log_sql_pgsql_query, /* insert query */ log_sql_pgsql_create /* create table */ }; LOGSQL_REGISTER(pgsql) { log_sql_register_driver(p,&pgsql_driver); LOGSQL_REGISTER_RETURN; }