[Mod_transform] Apache error - undefined symbol:_xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename

Frank Gruman fgatwork at verizon.net
Sat Apr 2 19:31:16 EST 2005


I did a Restart on the Apache engine rather than a stop / start.

After the mod_svn_view, I did a full stop and then start.

This could have been the issue. 


Edward Rudd wrote:

>On Sat, 2005-04-02 at 13:11, Frank Gruman wrote:
>>Thanks for the troubleshooting tips. 
>>In both cases, the values seem to be there.  So I went ahead and ran the 
>>mod_svn_view module, and it ran through fine.  I then restarted Apache again, 
>>and this time I got no error.  Weird.  Is there any sort of 
>>recompilation/linking done to mod_transform in the mod_svn_view build 
>No, did you only "reload" apache the first time instead of restarting? 
>That could be the problem, if you just told apache to reload itself it
>may not have loaded the dependent libraries.
>>Either way, I am able to start Apache with both the mod_svn_view and 
>>mod_transform modules. 
>>Thanks for the help! 
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