[Mod_transform] Problem after replacing mod_xslt by mod_transform with apache 2.2.4

Christian Parpart trapni at gentoo.org
Tue Sep 4 07:52:12 EDT 2007

On Saturday 01 September 2007 11:40:33 HILT Guillaume - Shadowprojects wrote:
> I try to use mod_transform with apache 2.2.4 on a gentoo server, in
> replacement of mod_xslt (As it doesn't work with apache >= 2.2.4), with
> a script named XmlAutoIndex (http://www.xmlautoindex.org).
> As this script worked just fine with mod_xslt, I suppose that it can
> work well with mod_transform too.

in theory, it should, yes, indeed.

> But I ran into some errors I don't understand :
> [Sat Sep 01 11:25:11 2007] [error] [client] mod_transform:
> XSL not named in XML and No Default XSLT set
> ???
> [Sat Sep 01 11:25:11 2007] [error] [client] mod_transform:
> XSLT: Loading of the XSLT File has failed

it means what it says, however, I had to verify myself wether it is what it 
says, and it means:

you do not have any <?xsl-stylesheet href='...'?> PI in your .xsl files
nor have you declared a standard .xsl file to use for prcessing any .xml 

if that happens, you'll see the above error message *plus* the message, that 
loading the XSLT file has failed.

You just did not tell mod_transform which .xsl file to use against the .xml 
files to be served.

> Is it possible to view the path of the xsl file it failed to load ?

you mean the one not being specified? XD

> [Sat Sep 01 11:25:11 2007] [error] [client]
> mod_transform::libxml2_error: I/O
> [Sat Sep 01 11:25:11 2007] [error] [client]
> mod_transform::libxml2_error: warning :
> [Sat Sep 01 11:25:11 2007] [error] [client]
> mod_transform::libxml2_error: failed to load HTTP resource\n

however, *this* now make me nervous.
can you somehoe provide us with a little more detail, e.g. what 
httpd/mod_transform configuration you've chosen? (regarding the current 

Christian Parpart.

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