[Announce] Patch for mod_log_sql 1.99

Edward Rudd urkle at outoforder.cc
Mon Aug 23 00:57:34 EST 2004

Attached and included on the outoforder.cc website is a second patch for
mod_log_sql 1.99 that fixes two issues, one that fixes a segfault upon
reconnect to the MySQL database, and the second fixes an issue where the
module would not handle empty query args.

Everyone is highly encouraged to install this patch.  1.100 (yeah, no
2.0 YET), should be out in about a week, given that I find time.

Edward Rudd <eddie at omegaware.com>
Website http://www.outoforder.cc/
Edward Rudd <urkle at outoforder.cc>
Website http://www.outoforder.cc/
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