[Announce] Release of version 1.101 of mod_log_sql

Edward Rudd urkle at outoforder.cc
Wed Nov 15 00:43:42 EST 2006

Finally after way too long of a delay I have released mod_log_sql 1.101.
 This released fixes a long standing bug where if you did not load the
database drive module mod_log_sql would segfault your apache. This no
longer occurs and an error message is logged to the apache error log.

This release adds more documentation of the all the log formats and also
adds documentation of the tabletype DBParam for the mysql driver. Using
LogSQLDBParam tabletype ARCHIVE will set the tabletype for autocreated
tables to ARCHIVE (and save TONS of space too)

This release also adds another sub-module that will log incoming and
outgoing bytes (logio) This modules is EXCLUSIVE to the mod_logio
module. Meaning if you use the mod_log_sql version you must NOT load the
standard apache version. Currenlty due to how logging of outgoing bytes
is done in the apache core there is NO workaround for this, you either
log outgoing bytes in the text access logs OR mod_log_sql.

To actually USE the new logging fields you just need to add the "i" and
"o" LogSQLLogFormat options.

Please note that these are lowercase instead of uppercase like they are
in mod_logio.

Due to the addition of the logio two new fields are added to the log
tables. If you wish to use logging if IO then you MUST alter your
existing tables adding fields bytes_in and bytes out of type int unsigned

bytes_out INT UNSIGNED

Edward Rudd <urkle at outoforder.cc>
Website http://www.outoforder.cc/

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