[Issues] [mod_ftpd 0000036]: ACL check not occuring after initial connection.

issues at outoforder.cc issues at outoforder.cc
Thu May 26 08:51:14 EST 2005

The following issue has been SPONSORED.
Reported By:                wschrader
Assigned To:                
Project:                    mod_ftpd
Issue ID:                   36
Category:                   Apache Integration
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Apache Version:             2.0.54
Date Submitted:             05-26-2005 08:49 EST
Last Modified:              05-26-2005 08:51 EST
Summary:                    ACL check not occuring after initial connection.
The problem I'm having is the I want to allow all valid users to connect to
the root of the site, but only have certain groups be able to access lower
directories.  It appears the mod_ftpd only checks for authentication on
the initial connection and not again as the user traverses down the
directory tree.
Total Sponsorship = US$ 5

08-11-34 13:49: wschrader (US$ 5)

Issue History
Date Modified  Username       Field                    Change              
05-26-05 08:49 wschrader      New Issue                                    
05-26-05 08:49 wschrader      Apache Version            => 2.0.54          
05-26-05 08:51 wschrader      Sponsorship Added        wschrader: US$ 5    
05-26-05 08:51 wschrader      sponsorship_total        0 => 5              
05-26-05 08:51 wschrader      Issue Monitored: wschrader                    

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