[Mod_log_sql] Scripts for mod_log_sql

Mike Hillyer mike at openwin.org
Fri Oct 15 16:04:33 EST 2004

Hi All;

For those who are interested I have posted a pair of scripts at 

These two scripts enable you to load existing Apache logs into MySQL, 
and also return a mod_log_sql table as a CLF formatted text file.

While there are existing perl scripts in the contrib folder of 
mod_log_sql, these scripts are pure SQL, and do not require perl or any 
other external language. All work is accomplished through LOAD DATA and 

LOAD DATA and SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE can often be much more efficient 
than loading files using external tools, and so I am sure you will find 
these scripts to be quite efficient. I was able to unload a 10 million 
row table to a CLF file in about 4 minutes on a desktop system.

Hopefully the mod_log_sql community will find these of use.

Mike Hillyer

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