[Mod_transform] http GETing files w/o XSLT file shall be passed as-is.

Christian Parpart trapni at gentoo.org
Sat Jan 21 10:30:07 EST 2006

On Saturday 21 January 2006 04:32, you wrote:
> Christian Parpart wrote:
> > Though, I'd vote for .xml files having no XSLT file assigned with it
> > being passes as-is to the client instead of the raw ugly message in the
> > server log and a 500 bail out.
> It sounds reasonable enough..  Probably make it an option that can be
> enabled per directory (just in case, for security).  If you feel
> adventurous you can dig through the code and try and implement it.  do
> file a feature request for it at http://issues.outoforder.cc/

I would have done so already if I'd know how to do so. That's why I was 

Any help though is highly appreciated :)

there were also some other ideas floating around recently, I hope I can catch 
them back to share them with you ;)

Christian Parpart.
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