[Modules] proxy issue with mod_gnutls

Guillaume Rousse Guillaume.Rousse at inria.fr
Thu Feb 21 12:11:56 EST 2008


We just switched from mod_ssl to mod_gnutls on all our servers, so as to
benefit from SNI (we use virtual hosts for each of our web
applications). Everything was fine, excepted on one server, where proxy
doesn't work from an unknown reason in the ssl virtual host:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    Servername zope.msr-inria.inria.fr

    # logs
    ErrorLog logs/zope_error.log
    CustomLog logs/zope_access.log combined

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1

<VirtualHost *:443>
    Servername zope.msr-inria.inria.fr

    # logs
    ErrorLog logs/zope_ssl_error.log
    CustomLog logs/zope_ssl_access.log combined

    # SSL
    GnuTLSEnable on
    GnuTLSPriorities NORMAL
    GnuTLSCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/zope.crt
    GnuTLSKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/zope.key

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1

When accessing https://zope.msr-inria.inria.fr, the client hangs a long
time for an answer, which finally comes as "Site error" message, with a
"404 858" error status in the logs. The waiting time before the error
occurs is superior to mod_proxy timeout configuration. Using a direct
proxy rule instead of a rewrite rule show the same behaviour:

ProxyPass /

Everything works OK in the non-ssl vhost on port 80. And it used to work
with mod_ssl. Which make me suspect an issue in mod_gnutls.

Guillaume Rousse
Moyens Informatiques - INRIA Futurs
Tel: 01 69 35 69 62

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