[Modules] mod_gnutls VirtualHost with properly signed certificates

Brenton Taylor brentontaylor5 at yahoo.com.au
Sat Mar 13 19:57:51 EST 2010

Hello everyone,

I can't seem to find any good documentation on the internet that can 
explain how to use properly signed certificates with GnuTLS in my 
VirtualHost files.

Distro: Debian lenny
mod gnutls

This works good with a self signed certificate:

<VirtualHost *:443>
   GnuTLSEnable on
   ServerName www.brentontaylor.net.au
   GnuTLSPriorities NORMAL
   GnuTLSCertificateFile "/etc/ssl/certs/www.brentontaylor.net.au.crt"
   GnuTLSKeyFile "/etc/ssl/certs/www.brentontaylor.net.au.key"
   DocumentRoot "/var/www/store/it

But I need to convert the following to work with GnuTLS

<VirtualHost *:443>
   SSLEngine On
   SSLProtocol all -SSLv2
   SSLCertificateFile "/etc/ssl/certs/www.brentontaylor.com.au.crt"
   SSLCACertificateFile "/etc/ssl/certs/www.brentontaylor.com.au.ca.pem"
   SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
   ServerName www.brentontaylor.net.au
   DocumentRoot "/var/www/store/it

Brenton Taylor

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