[Announce] mod_ftpd release 0.13.1

Edward Rudd urkle at outoforder.cc
Sun Apr 17 13:41:29 EST 2005

I am pleased to announce mod_ftpd version 0.13.1.  This release contains
two small bugfixes.

*  IPV4 passive mode correctly works on systems with IPV6 enabled
*  mod_status.h existence is checked in configure (new as of Apache

It is recommended that you download the new release if you are running
on systems where IPv6 is enabled by default, or you with use support
IPV6 and use mod_ftpd. (Fedora Core and RHEL are known to have IPV6
enabled by default)

You can download this release from the mod_Ftpd project page

Edward Rudd <urkle at outoforder.cc>
Website http://www.outoforder.cc/
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